



















9/4/2003-Peaches and Ass

Todays theme is wedgies (self inflicted and unwilling) also with a picture of a naked dude in a pool sporting a mullet. Word.

Damn it's been a little while. I kind of ran out of steam very slowly as far as writing articles went. I started out strong and then I started half assing it. Well whatever, I'm half way back on the horse and I'm probably gonna keep half assing it.

Today was pretty interesting as far as shooting plastic pellets at people and running like hell when they shoot back goes. Barnyard and I both picked up airsoft guns on our lunch break and let me tell you man those bastards got some bite. I got shot in the hand a few times and couple times in the back. Thats cool though cus I shot Barnyard in the top of the head. It was the only time I hit him I believe but still it was the top of the head. Something else to note though is that we were doing this at work. We really should be better supervised cus we could get into trouble or possibly even hurt if the corporate office isn't careful. We also got our shoot on at home and that was where I got my knuckles chewed on by some plastic pellets. I really fear what this apartment will look like once we move. I just hope it doesn't cost too much to fix.

Actually something else thats been kind of bothering me lately is fleas. Barnyard's dog has fleas. Lots of them. The problem is, is that the dog always rubs up against me or wants me pet or scratch him. I have no problem giving him some attention, but everytime I do this it becomes an excellent chance for some flea boarding action from pirate ship dog onto cargo ship HighPulp. They're also in my damn room now. Fuck that shit. It's friggin irritating to be doing something on the computer and all of a sudden you feel a burning sensation on your leg. You look down and it's a flea burrowing into your flesh. Good stuff. Good times. I get even though. I've been getting good at capturing them and killing them. Drowning is easy, but microwaving is more satisfying.

I was in the pooper droppin some dukes and all of a sudden I feel a tickle on my ankle. I look down and it's a flew hopping from the floor trying to get a hold of my leg. He can't quite do it. It's like a dog jumping up and down trying reach something high up that it wants. Well needless to say I catch this son of a bitch and deal him some death. Judge, Jury, and Executioner of fleas HighPulp sentenced the flea to Davy Jones locker with some dookie on the side. He went down. I was quite satisfied with the whole situation.

I hate to say this but if I just based my opinions of Mexicans and Latin-Americans off the internet and the one Brazilian guy I knew I would assume they all hated jews. I have a serious problem when someone says 'Viva La Raza'. You see Raza means Race in spanish. MEChA and La Voz de Aztlan like to use that phrase alot and so do alot of Mexican seperatists movements. They hate jews and they supposedly speak for Mexicans. But then again in Mexico most Mexicans have never met jews but anti-semitism is on the rise and 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion' is a big hit in Mexico. They also think that Mexico should get the South Western US 'back'. Search me brother, I'm a slav and all we really excel at is brutally slaughtering other villages and people who aren't the right type of Christian, who are Christian, or who are Muslim. Were not racists or anti-semites but we sure are hateful. SHAZAM!

I'm gonna get a new job I think. Working in a warehouse is fun and all until you realize that you work in a warehouse. I need to do something that is actually closer to what my interests are and sadly this means I'm gonna have to look for a customer service job at a local video, book, or game store. I hate customer service. I don't wont to go to work everyday with an ass full of stank cus I have to deal with jerkoffs and polesmokers all day (I gets da stinky when I'm nervous). Fo sho. I just don't like getting talked to by my boss over crap that I couldn't of possibly been responsible for. Fuck that.

I'm probably gonna fuck something up at work tomorrow. Gonna do something wrong because nobody told me different and then they will tell me I shouldn't have done it that way. I wish I could head but people and drop them in one 'butting'. That would be sweet. POW! BLAM! and I'd have snot and blood splattered on my forehead. Bad ASS!

It's link time! YAY!
La Voz de Aztlan
Environmentalist are bad
Butt Dance
Rodney Matthews
Allah is in The House
Islam Uber Alles
Ayn Rand Institute
Eco Feminists
The Finger Boarder (the trailer is sweet)
Genital Health Massages
The Official Takeshi Kitano Website!
If you don't like Takeshi Kitano you can go to hell!

See ya later. Fuck you.

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